Monday, March 31, 2014

Back on Facebook

Well, after a long hiatus Cajun Boy's Facebook pages are back in action. 

Mysteriously the Romero has vanished from the page that he used most:
Don't worry.  We still know it's you.

Just by pure luck this popped up on my newsfeed: 


Really.  I was just scrolling through and look who shows up!

Yes, pedaling swings... really.  I have serious doubts that he made that or that this is even legit.  If it is... well I'll buy one. 

If you look closely at that phone number... it isn't Cajun Boy's number.  It actually belongs to his neighbor a few houses down from him.  The picture is in front of his neighbor's house as well, which makes me wonder WHY?  Did the neighbor even know Cajun Boy took this photo and posted it on Facebook?  337-937-6207 is listed as belonging to Cecil/Virginia Norman, 81 and 75 years old... 

What kind of scheme do y'all think this is????