Friday, May 2, 2014

Fun & games with Cajun Boy!!

As you know, a while back I ran across our Cajun Boy pedaling swings on Facebook under his new alias Shane Michael.  I really wanted to know what kind of scam that was.  The phone number on the sign pictured belonged to his neighbor, while Cajun Boy was telling people to call him directly. Big Red Flag, considering who we are dealing with.  WHO is making the swings??  Doubtful that it is Cajun Boy.....  

With a little help from a friend who wished to remain anonymous, was just all too easy of an opportunity to pass up toying with our boy a bit.   Convos as follows:

Ha. Ha. Ha. 

In the news again....

Cajun Boy made the rounds in the usual newspapers again.  He even made the front page of The Daily Review in Morgan City!!  To my surprise, he actually appeared for his arraignment.  Guess he finally realized he didn't want to be hit with another bench warrant. 


Also I find it interesting that Shane Michael is no longer on LinkedIn.  Roofing Exteriors also vanished from Facebook as well.  Perhaps it has something to do with the DA's office being notified, or perhaps it is a coincidence.